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As a subscriber to Tiger Mountain's Internet Service, you can activate your allocated webspace on our servers. Setting up your webspace is quick, easy, and painless.

Basic Questions
01 How do I activate my space?
02 How much space do I have?
03 How long will it take to activate?
04 What is FTP?
05 Can I use Microsoft's FrontPage?
06 Why do I have a tilde (~) in my URL?
07 HELP! My links don't work!
08 What are the settings for
09 How do I create a web page?
10 How do I write HTML?
11 What settings should FileZilla have?
12 What settings should WS_FTP have?
01- How do I activate my space?

Give us a call at 360-496-6161 or click here!
02- How much space do I have?

Every one of TMT's members has 10MB of webspace. Some members use their space to display family photos and others have online journals. Be creative!
03- How long will it take to activate?

It'll usually take about 24-36 hours to activate your webspace.
04- What is FTP?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and it's the means by which you upload information from your computer to our servers. There are many different programs and methods of FTPing information. Some ways include using Windows' Command Line, programs like Front Page and FileZilla. It's up to you to find a method/program that works best for you. You can search Google for more information about methods and programs.
05- Can I use Microsoft's FrontPage?

Yes if you must, however, we are not encouraging our customers to use FrontPage to create/upload their pages. We encourage customers to use traditional FTP methods (command line FTP, or a program such as FileZilla or CuteFTP) to upload thier pages/images. With regard to creating pages, we can recommend that you create your pages either by hand or a program (such as Adobe GoLive! or Macromedia's DreamWeaver) rather than FrontPage. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
06- Why do I have a tilde (~) in my URL?

The URL for your site will look similar to this: The "~" is part of the language our servers use to store information; all of our customers' web spaces have it in their URL.
07- HELP! My links don't work!

Most URL links are lower case, and since our servers are case-sensitive you need to make sure that your link names are the same as the files that they're linked to.

We found a cool freeware tool called 2loweR that can convert case for Windows users. Click here to download (2.6 megs).
08- What are the settings for

We've created a page with the settings all in one place! Click here for the page.
09- How do I create a web page?

There are several ways to create a web page. Various methods include learning a programming language, buying a site creation program, have someone create a site for you, or a combination of the three.

There are programs that allow you to basically "point, click, create" with very little HTML knowledge. These programs are great for beginers and novices that may not have the time to learn a coding language, or the patience. Said programs vary in price and are made by various publishers, so it's worth your time to compare products.

With some time and patience, learning a programming language is not very difficult at all. There are sevaral languages to choose from, each with thier own positives and negatives. Some languages include HTML, XML, DHTML, ASP, and PHP just to name a few. Of the languages to choose from, HTML is by far the easiest web programming language for a beginner to learn. Plenty of support for HTML can be found on the Internet in a variety of places and sites. An excellent site for learning HTML is W3C Schools, which is home to dozens of tutorials all written in plain english.

If you want someone to create a page for you there's more to it than just saying "I want a page that looks like this..." Do your homework, find out how you want it to look, generate the content you want, write down what you like about other sites, map out how your site will navigate, and iron out the fine details before you hire someone. The more you do yourself translates into savings from having someone else do it for you. Make sure that your developer has an excellent grasp of the different technologies availible to ensure your site is, among other things, cross browser compatible. Also important to your site are graphics, and a good graphic designer can ensure that your graphics look great and load quickly. In case you didn't know, TMT offers web design and hosting services at a very affordable rate.

Our best advice is that you find a method that works for your needs.
10- How do I write HTML?

If you've never written HTML before then it's a good idea to read a few tutorials or buy a book to read up on it first. Writing HTML is a little tricky because you have to write an opening and closing for each section that you create, and keeping track of them can get confusing. HTML uses tags to tell the Internet broswer how the page should look, and those tags use a combination of words and word abbreviations.

Since HTML is just text, you can type it in Word, Notepad, Works, etc. Although there are some expensive programs that help write code, you don't need them to write code. HTML documents need to be saved without spaces in the filename and with the .html file extension. Here's an example of what a saved file should look like: sample_file.html. For some help checking that your code works, have a look at this link.

Writing HTML is too involved for a simple "How do I" answer, but hopefully this answer can give you a good start.
11- What settings should FileZilla have?

The image below is FileZilla's Site Manager, and the steps below correspond to the numbers on the graphic.

  1. This is where you type in your site name and should read: Where username is would be your username.
  2. Here you'd type in where your site is being hosted, and it should read:
  3. This is where you'd enter your username and your password

  4. Click Save and Exit to save your settings
12- What settings should WS_FTP have?

The image below is from WS_FTP's Session Properties:

    WS_FTP Session Properties
  1. The "Initial Remote Site Folder" should be set to /web to access to upload to your site's root folder.
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